Hildreth Meière Documentary Series - Watch Trailer
Known for her architectural decoration, American Art Deco muralist Hildreth Meière designed over 100 completed commissions in various mediums.
25 West 43rd Street; 28 West 44th Street
32 Avenue of Americas (AT&T Long Distance Building)
Baltimore Trust Company Building (10 Light Street)
Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis
Century of Progress International Exposition: Communications Court
Century of Progress International Exposition: Hall of Social Sciences
Christ Church Cathedral
Christ Church Cranbrook
Church of the Assumption
Church of the Holy Trinity
Convent of the Sacred Heart
Episcopal Church of St. Paul and St. James
Fordham University Church
Fordham University Duane Library
Home for the Elderly
Hotel McAlpin
Jackson Residence, Rancho San Carlos
Jesuit Center for Spiritual Growth (formerly Novitiate of St. Isaac Jogues)
John S. Melcher residence
Logan Square Post Office
Manhattanville College
Mary Immaculate Center, Mary Queen of All Saints Chapel
Metropolitan Opera
Municipal Center
National Academy Museum
National Academy of Sciences
Nebraska State Capitol
New York 1939 World's Fair
New York 1939 World's Fair: AT&T Building
New York 1939 World's Fair: Johns-Manville Building
New York 1939 World's Fair: Medicine and Public Health, Science and Education Building Complex
New York 1939 World's Fair: Temple of Religion
Ocean Liners
One Wall Street, Irving Trust Company
Our Lady, Queen of Angels Miniature Chapel
Prudential Plaza
RKO Center Theatre
Radio City Music Hall
S. L. Fuller residence
Sacred Heart Greenwich
Saint Thomas Church
Seminary of the Immaculate Conception
Site unknown
St. Aloysius
St. Anthony of Padua
St. Bartholomew's Church
St. Charles Borromeo (Greater Friendship Baptist Church)
St. Christopher School Chapel
St. James Episcopal Church
St. John's Episcopal Church
St. John's Grace Episcopal Church
St. Joseph's Church
St. Katharine of Sienna [sic] (Greater Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church)
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
St. Mark's-on-the-Hill
St. Martin's Episcopal Church
St. Mary's High School
St. Michael's Monastery Church (Hudson Korean Presbyterian Church)
St. Patrick's Cathedral
Temple Emanu-El
Ten Chimneys, Alfred Lunt residence
Travelers Insurance
Union Station
University of Chicago, Rockefeller [Memorial] Chapel
Washington National Cathedral
Women's City Club
World War II Triptychs: