Hildreth Meière Documentary Series - Watch Trailer
Commissioned by: Citizens Committee for the Army and NavyMedium: oil on wood with gilded gessoExecuted by: Hildreth Meière and Louis RossRelocated to: St. John's Church
Triptych 425, Two Angels, by Hildreth Meière and Louis Ross
Triptych 425 by Hildreth Meière and Louis Ross depicts Two Angels. The inscription in the center panel reads: GLORY BE TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST; PEACE ON EARTH TO MEN OF GOOD WILL.
The Two Angels on Triptych 425 are similar to those that Meière created for the remembrance shrine at Saint Thomas Church in 1935. The Two Angels at St. Thomas were based on the pose of late medieval tomb figures and the liturgical vestments of the late Middle Ages. Meière then reinterpreted the medieval prototypes in her Art Deco style, fleshing out the angels’ faces and lending texture to their hair, feathered wings, and flaming chalices. She gave the Two Angels on Triptych 63 a similar treatment.
Left angel from St. Thomas remembrance shrine
Left angel from Triptych 63
Left angel from Triptych 425
Triptych 425 never saw service. In 1960 it was presented to the Ninth Service Command Headquarters in the Presidio of San Francisco by J. D. Zellerbach. In 1966, Triptych 425 was donated to St. John’s Church in 1966 by Mrs. B. Tapen Fairchild, along with three additional triptychs by other artists. The parish had contributed to the Citizens Committee for the Army and Navy during World War II for the fabrication of the triptychs.
Verso of side panel listing artists Hildreth Meière and Louis Ross
Verso of side panel listing recipient and donor