Hildreth Meière Documentary Series - Watch Trailer 

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Sacred Heart Greenwich

Greenwich, CT

Two relief sculptures

Our Lady at Prayer; St. Joseph at Work, 1946

Medium: wood inlayExecuted by: RambuschRelocated to: (in part) Sacred Heart Academy Bryn Mawr, Bryn Mawr, PA

Relief sculptures in wood inlay

Relief sculptures in wood inlay

For the original chapel of the former Convent of the Sacred Heart School, Hildreth Meière designed two relief sculptures in wood inlay depicting Our Lady at Prayer and St. Joseph at Work. Executed by Rambusch, the sculptures were a gift from Meière. Today the panels hang in the entrance hall of the Science Building, where Meière’s rich, monochromatic figures in various shades of brown complement the lighter color of the oak paneling behind them.

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Sacred Heart Greenwich
1177 King Street
Greenwich, CT 06831

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