Hildreth Meière Documentary Series - Watch Trailer
Commissioned by: Mayers, Murray & PhillipMedium: paintExecuted by: RambuschNonextant
For the left and right sides of the facade facing Washington Square with a sixty-five-foot statue of George Washington, Meière designed portraits of Tadeusz Kosciuszko (left) and Comte de Rochambeau (right).
Meière described her design process:
My “Kosciuszko” at the Fair almost did itself, and is essentially as it was from the first sketch, whereas its companion “Rochambeau” had to be designed over and over again before it looked right.1
Although Meière did not have the time to both design and paint her own murals, she had expected to be able to touch them up as needed. The union, however, forbade her to do so. She therefore relied upon Rambusch, and in particular the company’s artist H. Morton, to execute her designs. Meière was pleased nonetheless with the result.
Hildreth Meière, “Working for a World’s Fair,” Journal of the Associated Alumnae of the Sacred Heart 4 (1939-40): 38.