Hildreth Meière Documentary Series - Watch Trailer 

October 10, 2024

A Historic Evening at One Wall Street: Commemorating the Interior Landmarking of the “Red Room”

written by International Hildreth Meière Association

In September 2024, the International Hildreth Meière Association (IHMA) had the pleasure of attending an intimate and memorable event hosted by Printemps New York to celebrate the interior landmarking of the iconic “Red Room” at One Wall Street. This space, a true testament to the artistic genius of Hildreth Meière and the architectural vision of Ralph Walker, was officially designated as a New York City Interior Landmark by the New York Landmarks Preservation Commission in June of 2024, following a unanimous vote.

International Hildreth Meière Association Inc.

International Hildreth Meière Association Inc.

The evening was filled with excitement as guests from Printemps, One Wall Street, architects, preservationists, NYC based historic education organizations, the International Hildreth Meière Association and Hildreth Meière’s descendants, gathered to honor this remarkable achievement. Hard Hat tours of the “Red Room” provided attendees with an exclusive view of the space, which will be meticulously preserved and integrated into Printemps New York when the store opens in Spring 2025.

Left to Right: Jean-Marc Bellaiche, Sarah Carroll, Anna Kupik, Laura Lendrum

Left to Right: Jean-Marc Bellaiche, Sarah Carroll, Anna Kupik, Laura Lendrum

Laura Gonzales & Hilly Dunn

Laura Gonzales & Hilly Dunn

As the evening went on, speakers shared their enthusiasm for the preservation of this iconic space, including Jean-Marc Bellaiche, CEO of Printemps Group; Laura Lendrum, CEO of Printemps America; Anna Kupik, President of the International Hildreth Meière Association, and Sarah Carroll, Chair and Commissioner of the New York Landmarks Preservation Commission. Each speaker highlighted the significance of the “Red Room’s” preservation, enthusiasm for Printemps' vision, and the cultural legacy that Hildreth Meière’s extraordinary work continues to leave.

Adding to the enthusiasm for Printemps’ vision, Architectural Designer Laura Gonzalez, who will lead the interior design of Printemps New York, was also in attendance. Her designs will honor the beauty of the “Red Room” within the store’s new design.

Front: Louise; Back: Nancy, Hilly, Anna

Front: Louise; Back: Nancy, Hilly, Anna

Front: Louise; Second row: Becca, Liz, Michele; Third row: Michelle, Hilly, Anna, Joe

Front: Louise; Second row: Becca, Liz, Michele; Third row: Michelle, Hilly, Anna, Joe

Representing Hildreth Meière’s family at the event were her descendants Louise Meière Dunn (daughter), Hilly Dunn (granddaughter), Nancy Bachana (great niece), and Anna Kupik (great granddaughter), all of whom are dedicated members of the International Hildreth Meière Association (IHMA). Joining them were board members Liz Leckie, Michele Finn, Becca Early, Joseph LoSchiavo and advisory board members, Michelle Haska, and Jan Lankin, who are passionate about preserving and promoting Meière’s legacy.

Anna, Jean-Marc, Laura, Richard

Anna, Jean-Marc, Laura, Richard

Richard, Anna, John

Richard, Anna, John

A special highlight of the evening was the presence of Richard Brennan and John Mack, architects from HLW, representing Ralph Walker, the visionary behind the One Wall Street building and Hildreth Meière’s collaborator on the original design of the Red Room.

The Red Room now stands among 20 other sites where Hildreth Meière’s work has received landmark status (at the interior, local, district, state, or national level), a testament to her enduring influence in American art and architecture.

We look forward to Spring 2025, when the doors of Printemps New York will open, allowing visitors to experience the splendor of the “Red Room” firsthand and immerse themselves in this piece of living history.